ThundRkat's Thoughts...

My photo
Somewhere Out There, United States
I'm just me. a lover. a mother. a sister. a hard worker. a believer. an achiever...a work in progress A.K.A ThundRkat

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I need a change...

I look forward to Thursday's. It's my off day...well, I should say my day off from work. I really don't ever get a real day off. Guess that's just one of the joys of being a single-parent (smile). I got quite a few calls today...people needing favors since they knew I was off today. I did a few of them, but after about the third call, I stopped answering the phone and went into deep thought about my life. It was raining today and a bit gloomy so, needless to say, I had a lot of time today to think...
My first question to myself was, "Am I happy with my life as it stands now?" Unfortunately, I was able to answer that question before I even finished asking myself. It was a resounding, "No." It was so clear to me that I need a change, but where do I start? Years ago before life really started happening to me I had a plan. A clear one. I knew where I wanted to be in X amount of years, when I wanted to be married, blah, blah, blah...well, here I sit...still. Truth is, I still have a plan, but not enough strength to put it into action. Why? I'm drained from life. Period.
My life is pretty basic. I spend alot of time at home...thinking about how I can get outta this place (while on Twitter...which is my excitement). I go to work at a job that is just a paycheck and benefits to me...don't get me wrong...I'm thankful for my job, but I'm capable of doing so much more. I go to church regularly. It's a must for me to keep my faith's the only thing that keeps me. As far as "getting out for fresh air", I don't get to do that very often to say the least. Kinda boring (smile). That's a little bit about my "everyday"...not much to it. I need to change that...
What would really make me happy would be to finish school. Seems that everytime I try, I hit a road block. After my father passed away, alot of my desires kinda left with him...I always wonder about where I could be right now and what I could be doing if I had taken a different path in life...stayed strong and focused more on me through my toughest times in life. At times I actually feel like the world is leaving me behind because I continue to walk behind instead of takin big strides to get ahead. I'm drounded out by everyone else's accomplishments instead of floating on my own...accomplishments that I know I can achieve because I know I'm strong enough to do it in my mind, but I don't have the physical strength to finish...but I need to. I look at alot of other young adults my age. They're are successful, happy, live prosperous lives...they have their shit together...and then there's me. I can't say that I am totally unhappy, because my son brings me so much joy, but I'm not even close to where I should/could be. I need changes...happiness. Not happiness that is always acquired thru someone else. I want my own happiness.
Every area of my life needs change...from love, to finances, to a new career, new surroundings, a new me, a new LIFE...however, when I think about what I need to do for even the slightest bit of change, I get exhausted....but no more. I am too smart for this. I have too much to offer too many people. I have too many lives to change...including my own. I know it starts with me. The only person that can change me is ME. I know that all things are possible thru Christ...I know my happiness is out there. I just have to go get it. Change is coming, but it takes preparation and it's time to get ready for more excuses. To Be Continued...

Monday, November 3, 2008

My laugh for the day...

Over the weekend, I had another one of my Obama signs stolen from my yard. That makes two signs taken by some Obama-Hater in less than a month. I must say that I was pissed and I felt violated, but they didn't realize it just made me contribute to the Obama campaign more by purchasing another sign.
My neighbor on the other hand has a McCain sign in his yard which has never been touched (go figure). I started thinking that maybe he was takin my signs down, but after several other Obama signs in the neighborhood were taken, I ruled out my neighbor. However, I still did feel like kickin my neighbbors sign down just because I was pissed off. LOL Well, today I had quite a laugh...
I stopped at the neighborhood store today to get a juice. As I was leaving the store, there was a little boy walkin past the store. He couldn't have been anymore than about 10 or 11 yars old. As I was about to get into my car, this little boy ran across the lawn of a house next to the store. On that lawn was a McCain sign placed so everyone could see it. There was a gentleman on the porch...I assumed he was enjoying the nice weather we had today... Well, this boy ran into this man's yard and kicked his McCain sign down and yelled, "Obama B*tch!!" and took off running!
Now I'm not condoning what he did because he had no right doint that, but I must was funny as heck! LOL All that man could do was stand there in awe...LOL
Needless to new sign is now in in my my window...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Was it the color of my skin?

I had quite an experience today. First of all, let me just tell you a little bit about me. I'm a single, African-American mother of one son. I've worked ever since I was legally able to. I graduated from high school and am currently working on my bachelor's degree. I work for a major company...I make pretty good money.

When I first had my son, times were a little rough. Thank God for family and the help from agencies like DHS that helped me out a lot. I was on welfare until I was able to "fair-well" (that's what it's for, right?). I'm not ashamed to admit that.

I had to share that little bit of background information with you in order to bring you up to speed...Now, today I was in the local grocery store, just picking up a few items that I would need for the week. As I approached the checkout, there was another gentleman in front of me. "Hello, sir. How are you today?" the cashier asked. The man responded and they continued on with a friendly conversation about the weather. After the cashier finished ringing up his items, the gentleman pulled out a card to pay for his items. The cashier, Mike, asked the customer, "Credit or Debit?" The gentleman said, "Credit", slid his card, got his receipt and his groceries, they said their goodbyes and the gentleman left the store. I was next...

Well, I didn't get a hello, a smile, a wave...nothing. Horrible customer service right from the start. I never actually made eye contact with Mike, as a matter of fact we had no conversation at all. Mike rang up my groceries in total silence. When he had finished, I pulled out my credit card. This is where the problem began. Mike says, "Bridge card?" I stood there for a minute...another minute...and another. I said, "Excuse me?" He said it again, "Bridge card?" For those of you that don't know what a bridge card is, it is a food stamp/cash assistance card a.k.a welfare card. I didn't say excuse me because i didn't hear Mike, but I said it to give him a chance to realize what he had just said to me. He didn't realize it. Normal procedure is not to ask a customer if he/she has a bridge card, but to ask what type of payment it this. I know this not only because the gentleman in front of me was asked credit or debit, but because I was a cashier for three years. A bridge card is not a standard form of payment. They haven't even been around that long! I asked Mike why did he assume that I had a bridge card. His response to me was, "I don't know, I just asked." Why didn't he ask the gentleman in front of me, the one he held a friendly conversation with, if he had a bridge card? Mike's face turned red and he immediately got defensive. That said alot right there. He explained to me how he wasn't racist and how he has black friends...blah, blah, blah. I then explained to Mike that I had a credit card, I work, I'm a college student and that I actually make too much money to get assistance. I also told Mike that he could return my items to the shelf on his break because I wouldn't be needing them. I went to the manager who blew me off like I had no reason to be offended. Needless to say, I won't be going back to that store nor will my family.

What is wrong with this picture? Was the cashier insinuating that because I was black, I was on welfare? There was no way that I could EVER own a credit card? That had to be EXACTLY what he was doing. Why was this even an issue? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a bridge card if you need one, but I was offended that it was assumed that because of the color of my skin I had a bridge card. The way the economy is right now, I wish I could get a little help from somewhere.

If Mike really wants to know who benefits more from the welfare systm, he should read this: . Mike obviously didn't know...
